
Should I be worried?

Waldorf is known for its emphasis on play and dolls. The doll is supposed to represent the child herself and allow the child to express emotions. I've heard similar things about children's play in general and how it is important for the parent to observe the play as it will not only reflect the child's experiences but how they are processing them and the emotions they are experiencing.

So should I be worried about how Lucy is reacting to all this baby/pregnancy talk?

No, upon questioning my dear little "mother", it turns out that baby was tired and needed to be put to bed but because this doll's eyes don't close, Lucy had to (duct) tape them shut. After I took these pictures, she carried baby over to her bed and lovingly tucked her in with a blanket.

But for a minute there, I was wondering what sort of underlying emotional issues concerning Dewey's arriving Lucy was trying to express. Maybe Waldorf doll theory only works with waldorf dolls, since they have those simplified faces that allow for that self expression :-)


  1. hahaha, this made me chuckle.. can't wait to see her!!!

  2. Hm...I can see how duct tape to the face might be strange. :-D
