
There were two in the bed(room) ...

and the little one said, it's crowded. Move over! 

house updates 078

Well, it is crowded in our little second bedroom, but this is temporary. Two weeks ago, Jojo could randomly scoot around but would end up moving backwards just as often as forwards and often ended up stuck under the coffee table.

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How'd I end up here?

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Hey Mommy, you gonna do something about this please?

But last week, he turned into a man on a mission.

Normally this mission involves getting over to his sister's toys to do some exploring (and annoying).  He still isn't doing a full crawl but definitely has the army crawl down as well as the the inch worm/ hands and knees face plant maneuver. Mix in some toe pushes and he can cross the living room in 2 minutes if he puts his mind to it. Seriously, this kid is non-stop movement

We don't do cribs, preferring the Montessori Floor Bed concept (doesn't that sound so much nicer and less redneck than "mattress on the floor") for times when co-sleeping isn't the best option. This meant it was time for some changes - I don't want to miss him waking up only to hear a big thud as he lands on the floor :-(

So we brought up another mattress and rearranged things to give him a little napping spot. He'll normally only take one nap in here a day - his first and the only one he consistently takes on his own. His second nap is during Lucy's nap time so Jojo I can snuggle in my bed while she has her room to herself. If he takes a third, and that is getting to be a big if these days, he is normally in the boba on my back or Craig is home from work and I take my chance for a break using Jonah as an excuse.

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Don't worry about the stuff on the wall, it's affixed with velcro not nails and isn't going anywhere. And the pillow is for when I'm nursing him, it goes on the floor as extra protection from falls when I leave him there. 

Since we all know how much Lucy loves change, I started preparing her about 3 days before the big shuffle. She still ended up very upset, trying to convince Craig he couldn't open up her door because she had "shut it very tightly" this time" as soon as she caught sight of the mattress. After a few hours she was okay with it though.

Eventually, I think we'll move them to a low loft with a floor bed underneath it - like this. But for now this works. The only toys she keeps in here are her stuffed animals and dolls so the lack of floor space isn't a big issue and right now we still do quite a bit of snuggling with Lucy in her bed and I am hesitant to lose that until we have to. Time is moving so fast that I'm sure Jonah will be in here full time before I can even blink. I don't think I'm particularly happy about that.


  1. I'm considering this for after we move. Zuzu and Eliza have a bunk bed. I haven't transitioned Eliza to the bottom bunk yet, but she's taken a nap or two on it. I was considering put Miri on a toddle mattress that could stay under the bed when not in use. Not having a crib would free up so much space and help me achieve my goal of a simpler room for them. I'm considering putting the kitchen, play table, and their "school" toys in the public area of the house.

    I wish you were here to talk me through the transition and give me the gumption to make some major changes that I'm sure my family will think are crazy.

  2. Not sure this was awaiting moderation, sorry bout that.

    Is Zuzu already on the top? And she doesn't get scared? I'm going back and forth about getting a low/high bunk. I know they'll outgrow the low earlier but I can always just keep bumping kids up (Jojo goes to top, kid #3 on the bottom)

    Do you have definite plans to move? How fun. (I mean, it probably won't be for you, but I always love to hear about moving/rearranging so it will be for me :-)
