
4 Months

100927 Lucy 002

Lucy, you are getting too big! Until a week or so ago I wondered what I was going to write to you this month because while you were growing you hadn't done any new "big" stuff but last week you just took off.

You finally figured out grabbing things. I could see you stare at things and move your hand but you couldn't quite put it all together then all of a sudden, you got it! Gone are the days of toy hoarding where all you could do was gather all your toys in front of you.

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Now if you want something, I can just hold it out for you and you'll take it and even move it from one hand to another and actually play with it. 100916 Miami 003This means you only need one toy at a time and you can entertain yourself pretty well, staring and really exploring every inch of it. Sometimes you are concentrating so hard you little eyes get all crossed. 100912 Lucy 046

You can also successfully move things into your mouth. You've started sucking on your fingers some but you really like to chew on Sophie feet the most.

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Of course, that only increases the drool factor which was already pretty high. I often call you the drooliest baby in America (there might be droolier babies elsewhere in the world so I don't want to exaggerate :-)

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You are a very happy baby. You’re are always smiling and laughing and everyone is always asking if you are always that easy going. Yes you are!

You're also quite "talkative." You like to squeal and say "Ahhhh" over and over again. You find yourself very entertaining when you talk. You'll squeal, then laugh at yourself, then squeal again. You have the best giggle. The easiest way to get you to laugh is just to start laughing myself. Apparently, you think if I'm laughing something must be funny so you laugh too. Then I laugh for real because you are just so cute!

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You love to sit up. You can tripod but will topple in a few seconds so I normally help you out a bit. If you are holding onto my fingers you can sit for quite a while. You also love to stand and only need to hold my fingers for that as well. Those chubby little legs of yours are surprisingly strong. You love to dance. I will hold your waist and twist you back and forth and you just giggle away. I've started doing that before we take your picture since it almost always brings a big grin.

You're not rolling over back to stomach but you get so close I'm sure I could just blow on you and you'd make it. You do spin around when you are on the ground though, especially when you sleep. Sometimes I go to bed at night and you will be 180 from where you were when I put you down. You do better once I'm there next to you though which is good. I don't want to wake up with feet in my face.

You have definitely reached the stranger anxiety stage these past few weeks. And by strangers I mean anyone other than Mommy, Daddy and sometimes Grandpa and Bubbie. You love to smile and make faces at other people from a safe distance in your sling but they had better not pick you up!100912 Lucy 017

This interest in the world is making nursing outside of a quiet dark room a bit trickier but there is just so much to see you can't be bothered by things like nutritional needs. But when it does get calm, you realize you are hungry! At first you solved this problem by eating all night but after two nights, I decided that wasn't very much fun for me so now we take lots of nursing naps together instead. This works well since you have finally decided long naps are nice - as long as mommy stays to cuddle with you.

You don't just notice people, you have finally figured out that Zeeba is alive. You love to watch her and she has decided she likes you to. She will come up and sit next to you when we are nursing or she'll rub her face on yours.

Every month so far I tell myself that this is my favorite month but I really mean it this time, I love this age. You are so much fun, you can play and interact with us so much. It's also a great age because while you can keep yourself entertained with a toy and a mirror for several minutes while I fix a sandwich or even take a shower, you're still not mobile so when I come back you are right where I left you! But I don’t think it will be that way for much longer.

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