Another term ends! No matter how well the term has gone, I always feels completely exhausted by the last week. But I can't skip exams, it's too much fun. These are mostly based on the AO exams found here but I add to them because Lucy LOVES exams. She still says its her favorite part of the year, even more than break! I also changed some things to make them more opened ended or more drawing orientated because she enjoys that and normally follows it up with a great oral narration just by describing what she drew. I try to write those down too but don't always get to it - she talks fast!
In each category, I've also tried to include some of the other things we did for those categories. These are the types of things I've mostly gleaned from other moms here and there, from the forum or blog posts and they seem to be the types of things that moms new to ao are uncertain about so yet it's hard to come up with them when asked. Hopefully it gives you an idea of what we do. Yes, it's mostly read and narrate but not always.
For a while, we were working on getting shorter narrations in our daily work because she kept trying to get every detail and every exact quote in there and it was stressful for her if I read too long of a passage and not really necessary. So in these exams, I did got some nice succinct answers but then I had to prompt her for more detail! Poor kid is probably thinking "Mom, just make up your mind!" She also started experimenting during our regular narrations with answering in rhyme or poems which was fun but needed to be limited or school would end up taking an extra hour. I'm excited about starting written narrations in a year or so as I think she's take off with them. Beyond the academic side of things, I just love how a child's narrations give me such insight into who they are and how they think and I can't wait to see how Jonah answers the same questions because I know he'll do it in his own unique way as well. But on to the exams...
What do you know about Moses' babyhood and
early life?
He was born
in Egypt and the Pharoah said to kill all the baby boys so his mom hide him in
the river in a basket and the Pharoah’s daughter found him and he lived with
Tell about Moses and the burning bush, or a
story of Moses and Aaron.
So when the
Israelites were slaves in Israel, Moses saw a burning bush and the bush said “Take
off your sandals for this is a holy place” and the bush said “Go tell Pharoah
to set the Israelites free and if he does not say yes then tell Aaron to put his
hand over the river and all the river will turn into blood”
Tell about Mary's visit to Elizabeth,
or something from Jesus' childhood (i.e. newborn presentation at the temple or
being left at the temple later).
So Jesus
and his family went to the temple and they went home but Jesus stayed behind
but Mary and Joseph thought he was in the crowd and so they left without him
but then he wasn’t there so they had to go all the way back. And when they got
there he was answering the questions of some wise men and they were surprised.
That’s all.
Tell about the healing of the man who came through
the roof, or of the centurion's servant.
Jesus was in a room healing people and doors
was crowded and there was no more room for anyone and there was a man who
couldn’t walk and there was no room for him to go in so some people took off
the tile of the roof and lowered him down that way and Jesus healed him and he
got up and walked away. And he was very glad that Jesus did that.
Copy "The queen went stumping along in one shoe of
stone and one of skin." In print once and then again with as much transitions (cursive italics) as you know.
Can you name the kings and queens we know from Henry VIII on and tell me one fact about each? This is less open ended question than I'd normally ask but I wanted to test "myself" on how well our increased scaffolding was working when it came to history and the timeline and not being confused. I think part of the improvement was that things slow down after the War of the Roses and it's less confusing but the scaffolding did help too.
Henry VIII – Had a bunch of wives and he kept killing them. And he was not a good king and no one liked him.
His son (I had to reminded her of his name – Edward VI). – I can’t think of anything to say. The book didn’t talk about him much because he didn’t live very long.
Me: Well, that’s something, he didn’t live very long.
Lucy: Oh, yeah, I guess it is. I thought you meant something else about him.
The 10 days queen, Lady Grey Jane (She meant Lady Jane Grey ;-) ) – She was queen for 10 days.
Queen Mary – Bloody Mary. She kept killed everyone.
Queen Elizabeth – People liked her and she was a good queen.
What do you know about Martin Luther, or how Elizabeth became a
So, there
was a plot to take Mary off the throne because no one liked her and she thought
Elizabeth her sister was a part of this so she put her in the tower and there
was a boy who came and talked to her and she said “I’d rather be a milkmaid
than be a prisoner and a princess”. And then she got out of the tower and lived
until Mary wasn’t queen anymore.
Tell what you know about the boy king or Lady Jane Grey.
Lady Jane
Grey. She was only queen for 10 days and when they took her up to the tower no
one said “Long live Queen Lady Grey, no one wanted her to be queen except the
protestant people, the other people were Catholic. But then Mary made her a
prisoner and she become queen and everyone wanted her to become queen – but
then eventually they didn’t. Eventually they REALLY did not.
Tell about El Dorado or a story about the new world.
I don't remember El Dorado so, uhm, new colonies from France! Some people
from France wanted to go to the new world and start colonies so they sent a big
ship, well some ships, with food and they set out for the new world. When they
got there they started colonies and built that fort called Fort Caroline and
although some people started to get sick and they were protestant and they were
at war with the Spaniards who were Catholic so they decided. Well, the people
that were well decided to go over and fight the Spaniards leaving only the sick
at the fort and while they were setting up to do that, the Spaniards went
through the grass and went through and said they would conquer the sick people
in the fort while the others were gone and that is what they did. And they took
over the fort and killed all the French.
Tell your favorite part of The Princess and the Goblin.
That was
one of my favorite books. So Irene was in her room and she was bored and she
saw these stairs and went up the stairs and up and up and up and to a room with
three different doors. And there was a humming sound from one of the doors and
she opened one of the doors and there was an old lady and the lady said “hello
Irene, I’m your great great grandmother” and Irene said “What’s a great great
grandmother” and the old lady said “It is your father’s mother father’s
mother”. I think that’s what she said. So the room was all blue, with blue
walls, with a spinning wheel and the old lady was spinning and Irene asked her
“what are you spinning” and she said “I’m spinning something for you” and
that’s all I remember.
Tell the story of Paul Bunyan or Pecos Bill.
Paul Bunyan
was a giant. And one day some people wanted to clear a space for them to live
and to make sure the land was good, he planted corn. And in a few minutes it
was taller than Paul Bunyan himself, and he was a very big giant. And so
everyone came to see it and they sent a man up except it was so strong, he went
up with it and it kept growing and growing so they put a chain around it and
they pulled and it got tighter and tighter until it broke. And he had found a
blue bull and it was a giant bull but it was small compared to Paul Bunyan so
he called it Blue Babe.
We also did picture narrations for each of these stories during the term. Her Stormalong one was my favorite.
This is my
favorite scene of Merchant of Venice. It’s at the end where she dressed up like
an advisor and advised them not to kill him and so she saved her husband’s
friend’s life. That’s Portia, does she
look like a boy? And she’s smiling and saying “No blood” because he asked for a
pound of flesh but you can’t get that without blood. She’s using his own words
like “you said this and you can only do that, haha, because that’s what you
said”. She’s really smart. And that’s the other guy and he’s stomping his foot.
And this guy is crying because he thinks he has to die.
Note to self: Give her a list of names before asking for
Shakespeare. There are too many to remember even for me who is who all the time!
Draw a
picture of a scene from the life of Perseus.
She wanted to do too. On top is Perseus's mother and him as a baby (look hard, he's in the boat so you can just see the top of his head) . Below is him flying to fight Medusa.
I didn't get her description of the pictures because she finished it and brought it to me while I was sitting with a toddler in the bathroom - it isn't all tea time and nature walks, real life homeschooling (and potty training) happens here! But I do remember she wanted me to know that she knows that because he's wearing the hat he would be invisible but she still wanted to draw him anyway because it wouldn't be a very good picture if he was invisible.
Use your map to show and tell me about Marco
Polo's journey to China'
He started
at Venice and they crosses the Adriatic sea into the Mediterranean sea to Acre
but they hadn’t chosen a pope yet so they went down to Jerusalem to get some
special water and went back and then to Turkey and then went back and then back
to Turkey with some missionaries because they had chosen a pope. And they went
past Mt. Ararat which was supposed to be the place where Noah’s Ark was, still
standing there on the mountain, and they went past that to Mosul and to a bigger
city which was Baghdad and they followed the Tigris river to the Persian gulf
and they landed at Hormuz and went up to Kerman and then back almost across to
Mosul to Tehran and then back up again to Balkh and past a bunch, a whole range
of mountains and went across to Samarkand to Lop. And past the Gobi desert and
came to Campicion and they were almost past Campicion and they had to wait there for
a long time because there was a war going on and the war went straight across
the path they were going in. But at last it was time to go and they were in
China and at last got to Shangdu and to the palace of Kublai Khan!
Here is her map we've been working on. Some of the locations were hard to pinpoint exactly but we're getting the general idea.
Draw the shape of the earth, and show where the hot
countries are and where the cold ones are (three zones)
She did a picture in addition to explaining but I can't find it :-)
She did a picture in addition to explaining but I can't find it :-)
Zones are cold and icy and there are icebergs and it’s all frozen because the
Sun. Well, let me show you (gets an orange and a pencil and shows how rays
don’t hit straight on) when it tilts away, the earth is away from the Sun so
they have one long big day for summer and at winter they have one long big
And in the
middle zone, the torrid zone, it’s warm and the sun hits directly there and
because when the earth is tilted away or towards, either way, the sun always
hits so they get lots of sunlight.
And the
temperate zones are in between and they have four seasons. And in the winter,
it’s tilted away and in the summer its tilted towards.
Map Drill of Asia
I'm stepping up the difficulty of our map drills this year and we actually practiced it weekly and she did great on this exam version! My husband actually works with maps at his job so I thought it would be fun to see how he did with the same exam question. She got 100%, he missed two which made her smile :-)
Map drill is another one type of activity I've seen done in a variety of ways but I'm really happy with how ours is going so if people are interested, let me know and I'll share what we do.
Map drill is another one type of activity I've seen done in a variety of ways but I'm really happy with how ours is going so if people are interested, let me know and I'll share what we do.
Natural History and General Science
For Pagoo this term, she got a blank book and did a picture narration (after orally narrating it section by section).It was her own idea to do a Pagoo "nature journal" but I I loved seeing her pictures each week.
I also loved the contrast between these two narrations. The first, while not wrong, was SO short and I was confused because she seemed to really get a lot out of the story each week. But then the second just went on and on! So if you kid is stuck on a question, I guess its good to try asking about the same book/topic in a different way!
What is plankton?
The Soupy Sea. The little stuff that lives in the water, it’s baby
stuff, and Pagoo liked to eat it.
Can you tell me about Pagoo’s
life so far? Where has he gone or what he has seen?
So when Pagoo
was little, he would run around by floating around on the water’s surface and
everyone once in a while he molted and got bigger and changed until one time
when he changed he got a tail. And his tail didn’t have any protection and he
needed to find a shell to take care of himself and he looked for a shell and
one day he found one but he jumped out of it because he was so happy and he
wanted to show the other one his shell but then that other hermit crab jumped
into the shell. And he was so sad he had lost his wonderful fabulous shell that
he ran away. And he saw some anemones and they looked like flowers but he saw a
snail go by but when it did, it got swallowed up by them and the shell went
away and he said “that shell is empty! And now it’s use is for someone else and
that someone else could be me!” and so he went down there to try and see if he
could get that empty shell. And when he got there, he didn’t only find one
shell but he found a whole ton of shells. A ton of shells. And he picked a
limpet shell and he was so proud that he had a shell that he sat on a rock. And
when he was sitting on the rock he saw a fish and he closed up because he was
surprised but when he open up again he saw a piece of steak there but as soon
as he cut it up, he did it so well that everyone heard and saw him and everyone
came running to get some of the feast but they chased him away running as fast
as they could to get some of that delicious meal but he said “how mean they
were, it was my feast” and he wished he had picked a shell with a smaller
opening and said “as soon as I’m done with this shell, I’ll go get a different
We started writing up very simple lab reports this term which has been fun and really helped cement what we learned. A Drop of Water is also the only book she is reading on her own yet and she loves it. I'm sad there aren't more books like this out there.
Describe an experiment from A Drop of Water both what you did and what you learned from it.
We put a blue drop of food coloring in a cup of water and we waited and it slowly mixed around, slowly, slowly, slowly. And when we used hot water it went even fast and when we used cold water, it went sl-ow-ly. So the hotter it is, the faster it goes.
Nature Study
Tell me about how a plant emerges from a seed.
So a navy
bean seed, a little bit of its shell cracks open and a flower seed is kind of
the same thing and eventually, it cracks open more and more and the roots come
out of the navy bean seed, and the flower seed is similar but the shell almost
comes off but he roots don’t come out yet. And even later on, the roots have
grown almost all the way and even start to go under, deep, deep, deep. And the
shell of the bean just comes off and sits there and just decays. And the plant
comes up out of the ground and leaves start to grow.
From earlier in the year when we made those observations:
List three flowers you might find in our yard. Describe/draw
one from memory (or all three. She couldn't pick just one so she drew and described all three :-)
Dandelion –
Orangish-yellow and later on they turn into flowers that you can blow. And you
can blow the seeds so that become more dandelions.
Dead Nettle
– The grow all over our yard and have little purple flowers with heart shaped
leaves. And they are very tiny and that’s all.
little yellow one that grows in the front yard that – They are little yellow
flowers with five petals.
I was surprised because we had actually drawn and watercolored 3-4 different blossoms from our yard but she didn't pick ANY of those for this question. Then I realized that these are the prolific flowers that she and her friends use almost daily when making their "honeysuckle muffins" (aka mud, sand and flowers in an old muffin tin I gave them). A good reminder that formal work is beneficial and I think it does wonders in terms of observation skills but the connections they make in their play might still be stronger. But it did help ensure the next question wasn't too much of a repeat of that one.
Describe your favorite drawing from your nature journal this
the last term.
So the daffodil
is yellowish-orange and it’s like a cup with other little petals coming out of
it, at the bottom, and the top of the cup kinda folds out. And the Easter lily
is white. And yellowish in the center. And there are three front petals, inside
and three outer petals and the pollen gets smudged very easily and it has long
slender leaves. And that’s all about the Easter lily.
Picture Study
Describe your favorite picture from this term's picture study.
Pieta or David. Can I describe both? David has slingshot and he’s
completely naked. And you can see all his veins and muscles and he looks very
realistic. It’s a sculpture. Pieta looks likes it’s inside a closet. And she’s
holding Jesus. And her dress looks like it’s actually made of cloth and she’s
looking down at Jesus.
Can you name our two
Composers and tell me the names of some of their works. We actually just started on Gershwin two weeks ago because they loved Copeland so much. But we'll keep listening to Gershwin over the break, no biggie.
Copeland - He wrote Billy the Kid and Rodeo and some others..(Jonah
– Appalachian Spring!) well, yes, and Quiet City.
Gershwin – He was a good composer and he composed Rhapsody in Blue
and he had a brother which helped him.
Math - I didn't come up with any questions so I'm just sticking her last review page in her portfolio
Solfa - Similar. We did do it this term but I didn't come up with anything for the exam.
Handicrafts – No handicrafts. I made an executive decision that I couldn't handle teaching any new handicraft skills until after the baby comes. But both Jonah and Lucy picked up some of their older craft work and made projects in their free time anyway.
Solfa - Similar. We did do it this term but I didn't come up with anything for the exam.
Handicrafts – No handicrafts. I made an executive decision that I couldn't handle teaching any new handicraft skills until after the baby comes. But both Jonah and Lucy picked up some of their older craft work and made projects in their free time anyway.
This time, I kept back all the recitation and singing things until the end. I printed her answers above and gathered all the other things I wanted to put in her portfolio to show to her dad and let her do the recitation things to him. I normally do all this but in a more haphazard way and I think having a "term review night" and some set aside time for him to see it all made it a bit more special.
Recite your favorite poem from this term.
Sing your favorite folksong and
hymn from this term.
Answer the first 7 catechism questions.
Answer the first 7 catechism questions.
Reading Skill
Select a passage for student to
read aloud.
Foreign Language/Bible Memory
Recite our school motto in English and in French. (I am a Child of God...)
Recite the bible verses that go with each part of the motto (this
part is just in English)
And now, we take May off and Mommy gets to sit on her butt a bit more....I mean, the kids get to play. That's what's important :-)
And now, we take May off and Mommy gets to sit on her butt a bit more....I mean, the kids get to play. That's what's important :-)

Thoroughly enjoyed reading this! Your daughter sounds delightful. Good job!