
Signs my kids are acclimating to the new country

I had skip to my monthly update for April because my joint pain/carpal tunnel was pretty bad but I'm back this month! May is a big month here, in a couple weeks even more things will open up and we have our first overnight trips planned. I'm beyond excited!

We've done a bit of day tripping to outdoor spots already. 

Battlefield and Monuments of Naseby

Coton Manor and their bluebell meadow

Jonah started year 3 of Ambleside Online

and we were all pretty excited to finally get local library cards. I've heard British libraries aren't typically as large or well stocked as the ones we're used to (I was spoiled in Missouri because I had access to pretty much the whole state's worth of books!). I did love their picture book section but we are also planning a trip to Ikea to buy two more bookcases and I'm investigating local used bookstores to stock up on kid free reads for our own home library. 

We're also finally getting settled into the community a bit more now that things are opening back up. 2 households can meet outside so we met with another homeschooling family at a park and have another similar park playdate set up for this week. 

Feeding the ducks and geese at a local county park. Even the swans here are polite (the ones at our local park back in MO were vicious!)

And pubs are open to serve people outside. Here I am enjoying a shandy. It's definitely the only way you'll get me to drink a beer but next time I think I'll ask them to go even lighter on the beer...or maybe I should just ask for a straight lemonade although that doesn't feel very british of me. 

Speaking of feeling British, we've started to notice a few signs that the kids, especially the younger two, are starting to acclimate. Right before Jude went down this slide at the pub playset, he yelled out "Ready, steady, go." (US - Ready, set, go. UK - Ready, steady, go) and I looked at Craig. I didn't even think he knew that one yet!

A few days before that while I was making breakfast, he came up to me with a "Mommy, I need some tea please" 

I scored a couple of these at a used bookstore and just this morning on the way to church they were looking at them and estimating how quickly they would forgets where he is so the book would be fresh again. I mentioned how we had checked them out in the states before but they didn't believe me. I said yes, but it's called "Where's Waldo" and they were aghast. Waldo? The general consensus was that Waldo is ridiculous and in our household he will be named Wally and only Wally. (I'm partial to Waldo myself but I was overruled).

And in Norah's Maths course, it asks her to show the answer with her fingers. She practiced finger counting both the American way and the European way and after some deliberation decided she mostly likes to start with her thumb. 

But Jude still refuses to call underwear pants and pants trousers. That is a bridge too far apparently!

1 comment :

  1. My kids are "Ready, steady, go" kids as well, despite never living in the UK. I blame Peppa Pig. ;)
