
A Preview of an Obama Presidency?

The Fairness Doctrine can't be too far behind.


  1. So you're telling me that if Susie Schoolteacher had questioned McCain over NCLB, Karl Rove wouldn't have been up all in her grill in about 2.5 seconds? It was a human interest story--"Who's the REAL Joe the Plumber"--Katie Couric-style more than anything.

    When politics is this dirty and personal, everyone gets investigated about everything. I fail to see how you can categorize this is as an Obama-only issue.

  2. Maybe Rove would have said something, but the media wouldn't have accessed state records about Susie and plastered her info all over the papers. Also, McCain wouldn't have insulted her.

    Citizens should be able to ask questions without having their whole lives probed by the media.

  3. "Citizens should be able to ask questions without having their whole lives probed by the media." Under Bush's Patriot Act, citizens haven't been able to ask questions without having their whole lives probed by the GOVERNMENT. Think that's a stretch? Liberal mumbo-jumbo? It isn't. I'm sure you're on their radar for something.

  4. aggieonboard and o. cowdery you both seem to think that as long as everyone is doing a wrong thing then it's acceptable. But if something's wrong, it's WRONG, no matter who is doing it.
