

I've decided to take up a couple challenges this year. One is a reading challenge. I kinda sorta tried to do one last year but unlike that attempt, this one is official and public. Hopefully that will inspire me to complete it!

I actually considered a few different reading challenge options like this Sense and Sensibility challenge before finally settling on Historical Tapestry's Historical Fiction Challenge. Basically, you commit to reading so many HF books and linking up your review posts on their blog. I was going to only commit to 10 books (Struggling the addition level) but have since decided to really challenge myself and go for 15 (Undoubtedly Obsessed). This will probably mean my other types of reading will suffer but such is life! So be on the lookout for upcoming reviews, and if you have any historical fiction recommendations, please share away!

The second challenge is one I've done before - Siesta Sister Memory Team. I did it in 2009 and it was wonderful. This year I'm working alongside a couple friends and I have great expectations for how God will be using the verses He shows me to guide my walk with Him. I'll be posting my bible verse to memorize on the 1st and 15th of every month. Except this time when I'm posting it waaay late :-) Sometimes I'll talk about the verse I choose and why I choose it, sometimes I'll just put it up over on the sideblog. I can't wait to get started!

What about you, how are you challenging yourself this year?


  1. Well, I for one am glad that you're adding some challenges to your life, because when I think "MacKenzie" I think "someone whose life is much too easy and stress-free."

    Seriously, though--I know I've probably made these recommendations before, but maybe they'll be helpful--the best straight-up historical fiction I've read is by Elizabeth Chadwick; the best historical romance is anything by Patricia Veryan; the best historical fantasy is Naomi Novik's dragon books. And I liked Dissolution by C. J. Sansom (although I haven't gotten around to the rest of the series yet). Finally, avoid anything fictional by Alison Weir with extreme prejudice!

    Which books to do you already have your eye on?

  2. My sister signed us up for SSMT! We're excited because if we stick with it, Houston is so close and we'll be able to go to the party. Our first verse is Lamentations 3:24-26: "'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him.' The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." I have a cd with verses set to music, so it's been easy to learn.

    I need to find a way to get new fiction that I'll enjoy. I read a lot, but I've fallen in ruts lately now that I'm not around as many books at school and with friends. I picked up several JFic at the library today, and I'm hoping that at least one series is a good page-turner.

  3. I'm challenging myself to move across the country and give birth to a human being. If I read anything non-baby/parenting related it'll probably be made out of cardboard and have 3 to 4 words per page.

    Althogh, the Siesta Sisters sounds pretty interesting! I'll look into that!
