I'm a computer genius! Maybe that is a stretch but I was able to use Google to help me figure out how to successfully save my pictures and for that I am super thankful. Somehow my camera's card ate all my pictures from North Dakota but I was able to reformat the card then recover most of the pictures! There are just a few that now have big grey stripes through them but I think I can collect them or similar ones from family members so I can rest easy now. I would have been so upset to loose the images of her eating her first lefse and the big family photos we got. So here are a few for your viewing pleasure (more coming soon).
We got to North Dakota just in the nick of time because a blizzard was on it's way. Of course, we couldn’t let a blizzard stand in the way of us getting cute pictures so a few hours before it was scheduled to begin, we figured we had better get them or give up on the idea.
First we got all bundled up.
Lucy had on a diaper, onesie, babylegs, socks, pants, shirt, snowsuit, and a hat. Then between pictures, I kept Craig’s scarf very loosely in front of her face to block the wind. She could barely move and reminded me of the little brother from the Christmas story. But she took in all in stride. Then we went outside.
In case you can’t make out what the thermometer reads, it says 10. 10 degrees! That should be illegal, especially when it doesn’t even factor the wind. Yuck. But there were cows to be seen so off we went.
I really wanted the cows to moo for Lucy. She loves that part in her “Moo, Baa, La La La” book so I’ve taken to just randomly saying “Cows go Moo” to her and she always smiles. But would you believe the cows refused to moo. I was a little annoyed. They just ran away and Lucy couldn’t figure out what I was trying to get her to look at. (She still doesn’t really understand pointing that well). Next year I think she’ll get it.
Then we walked back and snapped a few more pictures with Craig’s and his sister. This was before the blizzard so the snow was only a few inches deep (as opposed to the couple of feet deep it was 24 hrs later).
Lucy obviously has some of that sturdy North Dakota stock in her because she was still having fun!
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