
Lucy's Summer Lovin'

Summer Lovin'

Blueberries (Nakedness required for babies, highly discouraged for adults)

Best Ever Lemonade (she's not lying, it really is)

Cruising around

Maxing out the children's summer reading program - and being allowed to pick out her very own prize (her selection? Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.)

Veggies fresh from the garden - we check for cucumbers every morning before it gets too hot, but she doesn't really know if she likes them or not. 

Dancing in the living room with our play silks and bouncy balls (currently selections include the Momma Mia Soundtrack and Classics for Kids)

The little corner of the garage foundation that not only fits Lucy perfectly as a little seat but also happens to be shaded during the afternoons when I normally collect the laundry from the line. She found it and goes over and sits there while she waits for me to finish.

Summer not-lovin'

Too hot to even sit in the baby pool days

Mysterious rash/welts all over - but they were gone in 48 hrs.

Dad taking trips without us :-(

But as you can see, the good is currently winning. And we've got a bit of a family vacation coming up so more good times coming soon!


  1. So adorable! Thanks for sharing a bit of your Summer with your darling!

    Oh, and I hear you on the mystery rashy welts that disappear in a day or two..what is up with that?

    God bless!

  2. How long does a blueberry stain last? We are entering into the world of solid foods next month. :) I'm looking into making and freezing some purees--how much of a 'stockpile' would you suggest? How long before babies are able to feed themselves and/or eat 'whole' foods rather than purees?

  3. Blueberry stains are pretty bad but not as bad as bananas surprisingly. Those make the worst yucky brown stains that I can never seem to get out. The sun helps with some stains but I've mostly resigned myself to stains - except now that it is summer she runs around with just a diaper a lot, that cuts down on stains :-)

    We actually skipped purees totally and did baby-led-solids/baby-led-weaning (don't let the word weaning scare you, Lucy is 13 months and still nursing strong). Here is the post I wrote when we first started


    but after doing that for 7 months, I can add that we loved it. It was easy and Lucy got exposed to lots of different foods so now she will eat pretty much anything, although she still doesn't eat a ton of anything.

    And this does a great job explaining what is is and what it looks like in daily life:


    Happy Eating!

  4. THAT is where I've heard of BLW before. A friend of mine mentioned it, and it sounded familiar--it was because I read it about on your blog. I, too, was getting all excited about making purees in the cute little covered ice cube trays. Oh, goodness...okay, I will pour over that website and read more about it. Thank you!

  5. And coincidentally, one of my favorite blogs had a post up about that today - http://www.keeperofthehome.org/2011/07/feeding-babies-a-relaxed-common-sense-approach.html

    And she has three kids, so she's got more street cred than me.
