Eventually we decided to just go with the hood.
First she found a puddle.
Then she jumped in the puddle.
Then she landed smack on her face into the puddle. (Sorry the picture is blurry but I could see the fall in slow motion and was a good mom who moved to pick her up instead of capturing the memory).
I thought that was going to be the end of our puddle jumping adventure but she didn't want to go in yet so off we went in search of another, softer, puddle to jump in.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but Lucy is at a stage where she doesn't like to be messy. So she found a great puddle and spent 5 minutes looking at it and wanting to jump in it. She would back up and approach from a different angle, but never actually touch the muddy water.
After a while, she looked so cold and wet and miserable that I asked if she wanted to go in.
Her expression quickly changed as she said "no", as if to prove she was having fun.
Finding a cleaner puddle meant that she was willing to actually get into it and touch it - but then she noticed her shoes had mud on them so she wanted to go inside so I could clean them off. Silly baby!
I think it might be a while before she opens her own mud pie stand.

What fun! I cracked up at her change in expression when asked if she wanted to go inside. :)