

Little Norah Jane just turned 4 weeks yesterday and very slowly we are starting to emerge from our baby moon period. I had planned to really cocoon ourselves away and my midwife was encouraged me to be even more strict that I had planned. For the first week, I literally only got out of bed to go to the bathroom or walk to the couch to sit there for a little while and get a change of scenery. And it was really really nice. The second week I walked around a bit more but I only left the house one time, to see a tongue tie specialist with Norah. (She has a lip tie and posterior tongue tie but as she and i are both doing well with nursing, we'll just be watching it for now) The midwife (and a CST adjustment) were all home visits and we had a few visitors bring meals and chat for a minute but mostly it was just the baby and I hanging out. Craig took over everything plus had lots of fun adventures planned for the big kids. They went to library story time, the magic house kids museum, the playground and even the symphony! I really think this helped our adjustment because I feel great and last week when we went to church, our first big social outting, I was really happy to be there and not just grinning through it while secretly wishing I was at home in bed.

I also probably feel good physically because my thyroids seem to have responded well to my not being pregnant too. And while I know I haven't felt good these past 2-3 years because of thyroid and hormone issues associated with my Hashimotos, I don't think I realized how bad I had been feeling until about 3 days after Norah was born, when I woke up feeling amazing. My two doctors suspected I'd feel better either during the pregnancy (did not happen!) or after and they were right. So while I certainly don't recommend feeling crappy for years so your postpartum period is nice in comparison, it is a nice benefit.

The kids are doing well adjusting too. We've had a few instances of feeling left out or a tad jealous but luckily Norah loves to sleep so far and I've been able to carve out enough one on one time to compensate. And we're starting to get back into our routine which Lucy really enjoys. It's been quite interesting to see exactly what fills up the "love tanks" of both kids. Apparently, Jonah needs snuggling and Lucy needs math. Hers would have been harder to guess but she's very self aware and finally just told me she didn't feel loved because we hadn't done math! Okay, lets do math today, problem solved! Okay, eboughbbad math puns.

My hand is getting better but not back to normal which is okay because our computer is also broken. I'm actually writing this on my phone* which is ridiculous but blogging is my processing so while I'm glad to have one less distraction, I still need to write sometimes. Hopefully i'll have a new computer soon as well as a healed hand/arm but somehow or another, I'm sure I'll be around.

*This should explain the lack of pictures. My new baby is, in fact, quite adorable and I'd love to show you if it wasn't such a pain right now.

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