I finished this book a while back but had a hard time writing my review so I let it sit. And now, I am still having a hard time writing this review. There are a lot of ideas in it but its hard for me to put into words. It's the type of book that I want to talk about over coffee with a friend that has read it though. Elaine's review was one of the reasons I picked this book (after failing to get through Makioka Sisters before my ILL time was up) and we texted about it a bit but I struggled to find words then too, at least ones I could write down coherently. Which I realized makes this a pretty lame review. But I am glad I read it, I do recommend it and might even pick up the next one in this series next year.
This was my Non-White Author Selection for the Back to the Classics Challenge hosted by Karen at Books and Chocolate.

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