Several people have asked me why I wasn't going out and celebrating the holiday yesterday. Well, the simply truth is I'm not a Mormon. I know, I know, it isn't just a LDS holiday, it's a state holiday too - but it is a holiday to celebrate LDS history and I just don't care about that. Maybe if I considered myself more of a Utahn, I would, but I don't really think so.
Having said that, I have absolutely no problem with it being a religious holiday and a state holiday. The LDS church is a huge part of Utah history and it would just be silly to pretend otherwise. I feel the same way about Christian holidays like Easter and Christmas in the US. I say Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays (and especially not X-mas!)
It has been really interesting to live in such a religious environment when that religion that isn't my own. I have lived in places where the overall predominant religion wasn't Christianity before (like Korea) but even then, my little community was mostly Christians. That's just the way I roll. And in Texas, almost everyone you meet would at least describe themselves as a Christian, whether or not that actually effected their lives on Sunday or any other day. But never have I been a part of a community, and yet, in such a large way, not been a part of it.
I have really learned a lot living here because of that, especially in the area of church/state relations. Most of my opinions on what is acceptable and what isn't haven't really changed, but I do understand how "the other side" feels now and where they might be coming from. And it has challenged me to sort out why I believe what I believe and to ensure that I have solid reasons and logic for thinking a certain way. I don't want to just go along continuing to think what I have always thought because that is what I have always thought so why not keep thinking it?
What about you? How does your religion and your community's compare and how does it affect your life, thoughts, etc?
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