
Oh dear, I'm confused.

I joined Twitter. I was told it would be addicting and amazing and like a bored fool, I jumped in without having any idea of what I was up against. But now what?

What twitter etiquette should I know? Can I just start following anyone ol' blogger whose blog I read or is that rude and stalker-like? And I can't seem to find any bloggers I know - if you are out there, please by my friend (follower sounds like I'm a cult leader).

And why would I make a comment a favorite? Is that so I can find it later or to help it's rating? Do comments have ratings? And I am pretty sure they aren't called comments but what do I call them? Twits? - surely that isn't correct.



  1. I am given to believe that a Twitter message is called a "tweet." But I don't know much more than that--if indeed that's even correct.

  2. Do you still have Twitter? I signed up just now.

  3. I do...I'm BRC_MacKenzie. I suppose I should put a button or something on the main blog but I already have lots of people I don't know following me and it is weird... how did they find me?
