
Easter weekend - Part 2

After Thursday, the fun just intensified. Friday, Craig's sister Steph came to visit. We picked her up from the airport in the early afternoon and headed home just beating a bad storm. Since we are a bit more relaxed about things when people are visiting, we watched a movie and ate lots of not at all healthy but really yummy chocolate oatmeal cookies. 

We did have to pause the movie and had to head down to the basement for a little while because of tornado warnings. I'll admit it - I was a little annoyed that I had to wake up a sleeping baby (who was already having a rough night due to teething) to seek shelter but the next morning when we heard about how much damage was done not to far from us, I was glad we did. Next time I get annoyed when Craig brings out the weather radio, he has permission to bring up this post. 

 We had several fun things planned for Steph's visit but they were all outside activities. Instead we did a bit of shopping, ate lunch out and visited a local park. We couldn't play on the playground because of the weather but we could look at the animals there. I thought Lucy would enjoy it since she loves to read about animals but she mostly just clung to us. She hated the horses so we walked quickly by those. I think they were too loud. We spent more time by the chickens. She kept pointed at them but everytime they made any noise her little fists would grab tighter and her smile would disappear. I guess it is a good thing we are waiting until next year to get chickens. I don't want her to be afraid to go outside. She was even afraid of the rabbits but she did seemed to like the cows. I think it is because the didn't make any noise or even move much. They were in stalls and seemed pretty calm and/or sleepy. 

As we were leaving though, we noticed two miniature horses weren't in their stalls. They were just off the path a bit eating grass. We didn't see any workers but it didn't seem like they were supposed to be there. All of a sudden, they took off out of the park. It was like they realized they were free. I kept searching for a park worker or a sign with a phone number but another man in the park had the number and called someone to come get them and put them back in their stalls. Ironically, Lucy seemed to enjoy watching the horses from a distance. Maybe they seemed smaller that way. It was a fun way to end our petting zoo adventure but I don't think we will be visiting the animals until Lucy is a bit older.

1 comment :

  1. I heard about that storm and thought of you guys. At least your getting rain! I'd take a little extreme weather if it gives us a chance for rain. We are in such a bad drought right now and my gardens are looking sad.

    We haven't tried animals with John yet, but he LOVES LOVES LOVES dogs. Especially when they lick him in the face... I think it's gross, but he always has such a huge smile that I put up with it. We give him regular baths so I'm sure he'll live :)
