
A tale of two parties

The last weekend at my parent’s house was jam packed with excitement. My brother and sister-in-law flew in for the weekend so we could celebrate some big milestones – Ben’s high school graduation and Lucy’s 1st birthday!
Sunday afternoon was Lucy’s time.   We went with pink, brown and white for the “theme.” I was surprised that she put up with the tutu for the whole party.  was expecting it to be a photo prop but she seemed to like it.
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Windsor (my SIL) helped me make the “dahlia-like pop-poms” following Martha’s instructions, the boys picked up some balloons, and I threw down a quilt my mom had. Simply but enough to set the stage for partying.
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For lunch, Craig made homemade pizza with herbs straight from my dad’s garden and fresh mozzarella. It was delicious. And I found some pink (Izzy pomegranate) and brown (rootbeer) sodas so ever our drinks matched. 110601 May at grandma and grandpas 061110601 May at grandma and grandpas 038
Lucy seemed to be enjoying herself and that was before the cake came out.
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I made this vanilla bean cake, a split layer with chopped up strawberries for us (I topped each slice with freshly whipped cream) and a small one for Lucy. I took a video but forgot to get it off my dad’s camera before we came home so the pictures will have to do for now. At first she wasn’t sure about it but soon she dug in! It seemed to be a hit with everyone else too although I didn’t tell them it was made with beans instead of flour until after they ate it :-)
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Lucy only kinda-sorta understood the presents concept at Christmas time but this time she got it – except she wanted to play with everything once she opened it and was frustrated when we would take it away and give her something else to open.
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She only got one card from my cousins. I didn’t think to give her one since she is just a baby but she really liked it as much as the presents so next time, I think I’ll be including cards. She was a happy camper with new books, clothes and fun Montessori activity supplies like gardening tools and a broom. But her very favorite present was this duster from Grandpa and Bubbie. She loves mine and it always wanting to help me dust so I knew she would love one just her size and she did. I realize most 1 year olds don’t get cleaning supplies for their birthday but she’s happy and that is what counts.
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But we weren’t done celebrating yet. Sunday evening we watched Ben get his diploma and Monday morning we ran around and switched all the brown and pink decorations for blue and black ones. 
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Our neighbors and friends had graduates too so we joined together for a little party and b.b.q. It was just our families and a lot of meat and side dish salads which is all in all a great combination.
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Ben is headed off to my alma mater, Texas A&M, this fall. He’s obviously very smart since he picked that school over u.t. 110601 May at grandma and grandpas 124
To get his Texas wardrobe started, we got him a pearl snap shirt. I don’t think he quite knew what to think about it but I’m sure he’ll be throwing that and some cowboy boots on in no time.  Congratulations Ben! We’re so proud of you!


  1. Looked like a great party! Wish I could've been there. Her outfit was so cute!

  2. Happy birthday, Lucy! I love the theme (esp. the matching drinks and those dahlias)! Martha would be proud. Also, the tutu and onesie are darling. I need to find some new projects to make for Lewis. Maybe I should get started on Halloween? :)
