
5 things

5 home projects we've been working on recently:
  • Replacing all electrical outlets with non-ugly tamper resistant ones.
  • Finished our Chalkboard wall
  • Installed a dryer vent (yah, I can finally use the dryer again. It is very difficult to keep up with clothes and diaper laundry when it all has to be dried on one tiny rack)
  • Started my first woodworking project, Ana's $10 ledges
  • Installed a diy diaper sprayer
5 books we checked out of the library this weekend:
  • The sneaky chef (I don't agree with her food philosophy, but I'm always up for adding some beans and veggies to my meals)
  • The pigeon has feelings, too!
  • The gardener's A-Z guide to growing organic food (We're starting to plan. I'm excited!)
  • Baby read-aloud basics. 
  • Storey's guide to raising chickens (Not sure if this will be a Summer '11 project or if we will wait to 2012, but still fun to read about)
5 things Lucy can do now that she couldn't do last week:
  • Drink from a straw
  • Bite into things with her teeth (She got her first two Saturday night :-) Judging by her behavior, they emerged at approximately 1am :-(

  • Pull herself up onto non-mom things

  • Walk around using a laundry basket for balance - at least until she gets stuck somewhere

  • Climb Fall Gracefully descend from the bed to explore the world


    1. I've really enjoyed Deceptively Delicious (another take on hiding veggies). Zuzu loves her veggies, but I like being able to serve one dish meals and having the veggies in the pasta or whatever sure makes it easier.

      Where did you get the knit dress Lucy's wearing in the bottom picture?

      If you did chickens, would it be for eggs or meat?

    2. The dress is from happygreenbee.com. They sell organic kids clothing. They're regularly priced clothes are out of my budget but I got that dress and an another outfit from the clearance which is quite reasonable.

      We would do chickens for eggs and fun.

    3. So adorable! Lil' toofers!

      Chickens are so great..and fresh eggs..geez, you'll never go back to store-bought!
