
Potter Predictions

The book I, and the rest of the world, have been waiting for is getting so close to being available that I am getting giddy just thinking about it. I thought I would give you my predictions and hopes for the book, mostly because I want to sort out my thoughts before I sit down to read it. Don't take too much stock in my ideas, they will probably be about as accurate as most of Prof. Trelawney's predictions.

Oh, and mom (or anyone else), if you haven't read up through the last book, don't read this because it might contain spoilers. Just finish the Half-Blood Prince and come back and read it if you really want to.

Snape: Friend or Foe?
I am going to say friend although I kinda want him to be bad. Probably because I like the lines between good guys and bad guys to be really thick but Rowling just made it so obvious that he was bad in the last book that I think he will have to end up being good. (Although, maybe she knew that everyone would think that since it was so clear that he was bad, he must be good, thus allowing her to make him bad in the end, while still being surprising, hmm...) Unlike others, I'm not 100% convinced that his last actions were under the orders of Dumbledore, because I think that is a little too easy and she typically makes her explanations a little bit more convoluted, but it does make sense and I won't be completely shocked if that turns out to be the case. (okay, that was a bit wishy-washy but what do you really want from me?)

Will Harry Live?
I don't want him to die but more than that, I don't think the prediction makes it clear that he has to die like other people think. Part of me feels like if he does die, it won't be because she wanted to do that for the sake of the story but because she didn't want to get pestered later about other books or she wanted to shock people and get attention, but is it even possible for this book to get more attention? No, she should just make Harry live. Maybe maim him badly, but keep him alive. The other part of me trusts her and thinks that if she does make Harry die, I still can't imagine not liking the book. I might cry though, hopefully Craig is around to mock me.

Will Voldemort Die?
There seems to be a lot of people out there thinking that big ol' "He who must not be named" is going to survive but I really think that would make a very stupid ending. Again, I think the only reason she would do that would be to prove that she could, but seriously, that would make for some poor literature. What is the point of a novel (or 7) about good and evil if evil wins in the end?

Who will die then?
If Snape turns out to be good, I hope that he dies. Not because I particularly want him to die, but because I think he might be considered a "main character" and that would mean one less main character that I actually like will have to die. We already know I don't want Harry to die. And I don't want either Ron or Hermoine to die because, I too, want them to live happily ever after and make red-headed babies. (Along with another particular couple, but that is another story) In fact, I don't want to make a real prediction on this question because if I pick right, I will feel like I condemned them to die, even though I know that my thoughts have no real bearing on an already written book by an author that lives on the other side of the world. But if I pick wrong, then writing what I think/hope will only make me more sad when those people don't die and others have too. Although if pressed, I would say one of those two will probably die. I think Neville might also die, because he has shown to be more than meets the eye and with the prophecy and stuff out there, I think he is going to play a bigger part in the story. In fact, I hope that Neville dies a really heroic death, maybe even saving Harry. That would be cool. So, to summarize that long paragraph: I hope it is Snape and Neville but I don't really believe that it will be.

That is all I have for now. If you have any predictions or thoughts or hopes or really anything to say about Harry Potter, I would to looovvvvee to hear it. Craig isn't into the series so I don't really have that many people to talk to about it. In fact, because I feel like being a stinker and getting him into "trouble," I will confide to you that, while we were in line to see the movie, he actually told me that he is saddened by people's love of Harry Potter and the fact that so many adults are into this "children's book" says something, and he didn't mean something good, about society. I was so shocked by his statement, and his nerve to say it while waiting in a line to see the movie (for an hour!) that I couldn't even come up with a reply. I just shook my head at him and remained speechless. So, even if you don't have anything to add to the HP discussion, you should at least come up with a witty reply to Craig. (Rachel, I think this would be a good job for you).


  1. I haven't read through all of the books yet, but I'm going to predict that Harry will die. He must die in order to kill off Voldemort. There, I said it! Remember, "neither can live while the other survives." OTOH, I sure hope I'm wrong as I really like happy endings, where the hero lives.

  2. Yah, neither can live while the other survives? Why does that mean they both have two die? If it said "neither can live if the other dies" then I would see your point.

  3. Awe, freak. I just realized I haven't pre-ordered.

    Hopefully, I can read the book before anyone spoils it for me!

  4. I accompanied Rachel to the last HP book release, and the people who pre-ordered had to wait longer to get their books than those who didn't. So you should be OK.

  5. I'm saddened that Craig would make such enormous assumptions about books he HASN'T EVEN READ, thereby judging millions of people all over the world (many of whom are deep and thoughtful, as he well knows).

    . . . How was that?

    (Not that that isn't totally what I would say anyway. I mean, come ON.)

  6. You are all wrong. Harry lives. Voldemort dies, and here is the shocker---Dumbledore is actually still alive. When he died in the last book, he actually shifted his soul into an object. His death was a ploy, and he was assisted by Snape, who turns out to be a real hero. Sometime in the middle of the last book, he will transplant himself again from the object to a person, and help save the day. Who else dies? Hmmm--haven't thought that far....

  7. Craig is wrong. Eddie Murphy making a bazillion movies about an idiot in a fat suit says something about our society. The need for warnings decrying the danger of operating a hair dryer in the tub says something about our society. The ability of W and his croonies to completely disregard the system of checks and balances set forth by our Founding Fathers says something about our society. All the HP fanfare says about our society is that we are literate.

  8. Right on, Tina.
    And here are my predictions:

  9. I commented on your comment on my blog--you should read it!
