
Life Updates: by MacKenzie

I'm not at work today because, well, I no longer work there. Not too long after I started there, I got offered a job as a chemist and I really had to take it. Friday was my last day as a staff assistant and I was sad to leave. I liked it there, I liked helping people, I liked the people I had to help - overall it was a nice little job. But off I go, to more money and a job in my field. I don't start until Wednesday which gives me two days off to get other stuff done and let my anxiousness build.

Now I am the type of person that will fight tooth and nail to avoid change, even good change. These last few months have wrecked havoc on my nerves, moving to a new state, getting married, changing jobs, changing jobs again, and that's right, once more, changing jobs. And this is my first big career-type job so overall, I am pretty much a basket case right now. But hopefully, once I get used to this job, I will like it, they will like me, I won't have to deal with any more big changes, and my poor little soul will get calm to down. During this adjustment though, I have really been learning to lean of God for reassurance. He wouldn't drag me through all these changes for everything to end up a mess, would he? I don't think so, he has a plan and I trust him.

And don't think I am all anxiety, I am also really excited. I will finally be a real scientist doing real research-type stuff. I will be working on stuff for some big guys like the National Science Foundation and NASA. That is tres cool and don't think I am not super-pumped about it. So overall, everything is working out just like I knew it would but my new job might mean also some new changes for you, my loyal readers. You might have noticed that my posting have increased in frequency during the last month and a half or so. That is because I tended to have quite a bit of free time at work (You can't answer the phone if no one calls, and you can't fix the copier if no one breaks it). That will be ending. I have a feeling this new job will keep me pretty busy. Hopefully I will stick with my goal to post regularly, but I make no promises.


  1. I hopes you stick to your goal, as well!

  2. I think that once you settle into this job, your life will also settle down. It sounds much more long-term.

    It's amazing how much the disrupting of our normal habits wrecks so much havoc in our lives. Even me, who is all over the place, have my little rituals and dependencies on consistency that make me crazy if they go away!

    Good luck with the new position.
