
Classics Challenge: The Chosen

The Chosen has been on my shelf for several years. And not just my goodreads shelf of books I want to eventually get to. No, I had a physical copy looking at me and I still just couldn't pick it up. But I finally did and it was so good. I'm not sure what I expected this to be about. I guess more of a general boy's coming of age story. There was some of that but it was so much more.

 You get such a sense of the communities these two boys had, the history of the time and changes in the world of Judiasm of the 40s. It's a historical novel done well. Because its has a very interesting history and cultural lesson to teach but beyond that, just a good book about relationships and people and the human spirit that you can relate to. I really care about the boys and their relationships with each other and their fathers. My heart broke with theirs when those relationships undergo trial. It was a great book to start the year. I always love reading a classic, especially one you might find being assigned to kids in high school, and just really enjoying it. It shouldn't be surprising to me at this point but sometimes, it is! I haven't heard as much about the sequel but I'll be trying to track it down. 

The Chosen was first published in 1966 and is my Back to the Classics Challenge 20th century classic.

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