
Classic Challenge: Death in a White Tie

I am a big mystery readers, especially detective novels from the "golden age" so I don't know why it took my so long to try a Ngaio Marsh novel. Maybe the fact that I couldn't pronounce her name? Hopefully not, as someone who has a hard to pronounce name, I would like to think I'm above that prejudice. 

But I finally did give her a try and it went well. Death in a White Tie is in the early middle part of the series so I might have had a slightly smoother start if I knew a few of the main characters to start with but overall, that didn't bother me. There were a lot of characters but I normally just keep going and try not to worry about who is who and my brain catches up eventually. It did take a while for the main crime to occur but it moves along quickly after that. It wasn't brilliant and amazing like a few of the Agatha Christie novels I've adored nor do I think I'll re-read it ever like I would a Sayers novel but it was a good solid detective novel and I won't hesitate to pick up another Marsh book in the future. 

Death in a White Tie is my New to You Author selection for the Back to the Classics Challenge

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