
Kid Pics

I've noticed a tourist trend that appears to be quite common these days. I have not previously frequented touristy locales, so I don't know how old this phenomenon is. But when I see a tourist family out and about, it is very likely that one of the kids will be carrying and using the camera. And I'm not talking about 16-year-olds; these kids are about 10. Instead of having mom or dad take quality pictures, the kid(s) get to take photos that are undoubtedly subpar.

I assume this is happening because, when kids see things that look fun, they want to do them. Helping in the kitchen, driving the car, and holding the baby are some examples. When they see the camera, they demand, in whiny fashion, to be the family photographer, and mom and dad relent.

I figure there are two reasons that this is occurring. First, with the advent of digital cameras, there is no more film to waste. In the past, a parent would resist turning over the camera because there were only 24 or so photos on the roll of film, and he/she wouldn't want to pay to develop bad pictures. Now, large memory cards allow almost unlimited photos to be taken. If they are bad, they can be deleted later. The only risk is that the family will go home with no good photos from their trip.

The second reason is that, as far as I can tell, parenting is becoming more lax. In the past, parents might have said, "I'll run the camera. You can do it when you're older. Now shut up and look at the dinosaur or we're going home." Today, parents try to argue and reason, and when they give in once, kids know that they can get their way next time. So parents simply surrender the camera. Hence, the multitude of kiddie photog wannabes.

This concludes my essay on the interplay of modern parenting and modern technology.


  1. I had a camera at about 10. it was a kiddie film camera, but I had one...

  2. Hey! Just letting you know you won one of the Thai Kitchen Cookbooks! Just e-mail your shipping info to donielle at raisingpeanuts.com

    (sorry this is delayed - I blame the new baby!)

  3. Yah! And since she is so cute, I guess I'll let the delay slide :-)
