The worst article was titled "How bad is it really?" and seeks to classify one's secret indulgences into "not so bad", "kinda bad" and "really bad" confessions. "For dinner last night, I had an Oreo, then another and another." was categorized as not so bad, as long as it is a rare event. I guess I can see that, I have been known on a really hormonal day to forgo dinner in exchange for brownies and ice cream and will not judge a fellow female for doing the same. But the next one, "I had a one night stand." was only kinda bad because, "the occasional fling can be fun - and hot!" while "I tan, but only on vacation" and "I'm not a regular smoker, but I do sometimes bum a butt on a night out." were categorized as really bad. I'm not going to say that tanning and smoking are healthy, but in what universe is tanning a couple days out of a year less healthy than having sex with a random stranger?!
The next time I get the urge to rebel and break a healthy habit, I don't think I'll be turning to Self for help picking which one is worth the splurge. They can take their Sour Patch candy and hook-ups, I'll keep my peanut M&Ms.

What do you expect from a magazine titled "Self?" (It's short for Selfish!)
ReplyDeleteDespite my admitted magazine addiction, I have never gotten this one. Thanks for the heads up - I'll stay away from getting it in the future.
ReplyDeleteI do think magazines would be better if the editors lived in the real world. In what universe is $500 a "reasonably priced" shoe?! (As I saw in one mag not too long ago.) Not in my budget. ;)