Let's think for a second. I really do want caring and learning to be integrated into my life and my children's lives for the long haul. And we live seasonally. Or at least I think we should.
Modern society does certainly try to manipulate how we interact with the seasons. Sometimes it shifts them. I'm looking at you Christmas decorations that are out before Halloween! Or pumpkin spice everything when we are all still wearing shorts. I understand some of the "why" of this commercially but I still actively fight again it. I don't want to always be feeling like the next season's grass is greener. Rushed through life.
It's August. We are doing school like we have since beginning of July, but its clearly still summer in our house. We wake up from naps and go sit in the blow-up baby pool outside. My kids are barefoot the majority of the time and when we go somewhere, they ask if they can bring there shoes in the car so they don't have to put them on until last second before the car parks. We're eating watermelon by the ton. So don't try to convince me my kids need a whole new wardrobe with sweatshirts and jeans yet target ads! No! Chances are they'll all have a big growth spurt in the next month and then where will I be? And I believe I've ranted enough about the difference between Advent and Christmas before that I won't get into it again.
So that idea has been one I've prioritized when it came to my faith and eating and isolated topics for a while but I guess I just hadn't thought about it as a whole way of life. There's a rhythm to life which involves seasons. And if living seasonally is what I think is ideal and education is a life, then educating seasonally makes sense as well. Now beyond what I wrote in my last post on this topic, I'm not sure how that plays out in a practical way. But it's another idea I'm going to be pondering for a while.
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