
Jonah Turns 8!

Joanh turned 8 last week and while we didn't get to do our normal birthday festivities because we are still in our 14 day quarentine from international travel (I promise an update is coming soon!), we did get to do the birthday questionarre and it really did help make his birthday more special. 

What is your favorite color? Dark Green

What is your favorite toy? Legos

What is your favorite game? Duos

What is your favorite song?  The Imperial March

What is your favorite animal? Black Bear

What is your favorite book? Harry Potter

What is your favorite movie? Star Wars 9 !

What is your favorite thing to eat? Pizza

Where is your favorite place to go? Different country

What is your favorite outfit? Harry Potter Shirt and black trousers

What do you like to learn about? School  

What have you learned in the last year? King John likes to suck his thumb and say "Mama" (He siad this laughing. He knows that's not quite right but we did learn about John and his mother recently then we watched one of my favorite disney movies as a kid, the animated Robin Hood.)

What is hard for you? Being patient

What is your favorite thing to do as a family? Go hiking

What do you like about Mommy? You do Monkey Butt Time with me 

*Monkey Butt Time is what we call our daily one on one time with each kid/parent combo. It was "supposed" to be "Mind Body Soul Time" but somehow that became Monkey Butt Time. I blame Craig for this.

What do you like about Daddy? He's funny and he tells jokes about broccoli ice cream

What do you like about Lucy?  She's nice and she plays games with me

What do you like about Norah? She climbs on me

What do you like about Jude? He's funny and he makes us laugh.

 What do you like about yourself? That I'm creative

What do you want to be when you grow up? An inventor

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