Freeze/Fridge -
- ~ 2-3 lbs chicken, variety types
- ~ 2 lbs ground beef (I buy in bulk from the university then freeze in 3/4lb portions, although I "pretend" each 3/4lb portion is a lb. For almost all recipes, it still works)
- A few slices of applegate (nitrate free) bacon. Mostly used to flavor beans so it is 3 or 4 "servings" worth
- 1 lb cheese
- 1 lb butter (I just bought a ton of butter, where did it go?)
- Bag of nuts
- 4-5 bags frozen fruit
- 2-3 bags frozen veggies
- 1 can o.j. concentrate
- Homemade turkey broth
- 9x9 Lasagna (I make 9x13 casseroles as two 9x9 and freeze one)
- 9x9 Chicken Spaghetti
- Milk
- Random leftover veggies from last week (carrots, spinach, lettuce, 1/2 green pepper, etc)
- Eggs
- Yogurt
- Random condiments
- Flour (Wheat, White, Rye)
- Cornmeal
- Wheat Germ
- Wheat Berries (Mostly we grow for a cat snack, but I have seen a couple recipes that actually use them and want to give it a try)
- Rolled Oats (I bought 3 large containers for ~$1/ea around Christmas time and have only just started on the second)
- Dried Beans - Black, Navy
- Quinoa
- Sweeteners - White Sugar, Rapadura, Honey, Maple Sugar and some Stevia samples I had completely forgotten about
- Oil - Olive, Coconut
- Vinegars - Variety
- Herbs/Spices - Variety (Although I know I am out of Basil, can I make it through the month w/o buying more?)
- Carnation instant breakfast - Craig got this free from CVS and will eat it, I refuse.
- 1 onion
- Bag potatoes (beginning to sprout, must be used NOW)
- 1.5 boxes granola bars (that is not enough for the month, uh-oh)
- Loaf of Bread
- Pasta - Spaghetti, Fettucine, Lasagna noodles, Egg Noodles, Rotini
- Cocoa powder
- Tapioca
- Semisweet chocolate
- Shortening
- Baby food carrots
I am so blessed that even when my cupboard is "bare" I have lots to eat. It may be kinda random but it is edible, it provides nourishment, it sustains life! Not everyone has access to that and I don't ever want to be ungrateful for what I have.
I never meant for this challenge to be a spiritual thing, but between reading these posts about the newest Compassion trip to India, and seeing how much I have when I didn't think I had anything, I can't but help ask God to change me heart towards my resources:
Give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
Proverbs 30:8

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