
Recent Personal Milestones

  • First time living in a town with a Waffle House.
  • First ownership of a washer and dryer.
  • Largest package of toilet paper ever purchased (36 rolls).
  • 4th different state driver's license (ND, UT, TX, MO).


  1. I'm not far behind you on the Drivers Licenses... (ND, MN, AZ)

  2. I'm not far behind you on the Drivers Licenses... (ND, MN, AZ)

  3. waffle house...not so great. Pensacola had one almost on every corner (walgreens was on the others) washer and dryers are awesome!! congratulations :) I've never seen that much TP in my life, where do you store it!? too bad you can't keep your DL, you could make a wall plaque!

  4. If you count permits too, I've had five (GA, Korea, WA, TX, UT and MO).

    I think it is really lame they won't let you keep them anymore. They let me keep my GA one, they just punched a hole in it.

    We keep the toilet paper in basement. Oh, yeah, we have a basement!

    I do not like Wafflehouse. But unfortunately I am the only one in my family that feels that way, so I have to eat there sometimes anyway :-(
