
Wisconsin Adventure III: The Big Day

Three posts later and I have finally gotten to the actually wedding. I have no pictures of the ceremony but I did have a great view. I read so I had to sit on the grooms side so I could get to the pulpit during the ceremony without walking over everyone. It was perfect because we could actually see Rachel's face; all we could see of Neal was his back, not that it wasn't a nice back and all but, well, yeah.

Anyways, in all seriousness, it really is amazing to be at a wedding when you know both people are there with the knowledge that they are making not just a commitment but a covenant with God. It's awesome, in the true sense of the word, and it makes celebrating so easy.

And celebrate we did. Apparently, people from Tennessee and Kansas are not big dancers. They all seemed perfectly content to sit and chat with each other. The one exception was Rachel's granddad, that guy was amazing. He danced to almost everything and he danced well - although what else can you expect from a man who wore a different Texas themed tie every time I saw him.They did dance to a few of the slow romantic songs but they just didn't have the energy that we ( Craig, I and our college friends) did - we wanted to do some dancin'. He pretty much rocked.

We did the twist, some two-stepping and even a polka or two plus the classics like the chicken dance and of, course the aggie war hymn.

Okay, on to the pictures: (oh, and with some help from Photoshop, my massive sunburn was mostly eliminated from the pictures, but if you go back to the war hymn post, you can see my cancer causing blunder).

Cake eating - cute!
First dance - cute!

Craig with flowers- cute!
Marlis and I with our heads at the same tilt angle - cute!
Rachel and Craig dancing - cute! Although you could smile a bit Craig.
The lovely bride and I - cute!
Gig'em Aggies - cute!
Craig and I - cute!
The other happy couple - super cute!
I love weddings.

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