
Don't judge a game by it's lame name.

Nope, we aren't there yet. We should be arriving tomorrow but I've scheduled this post so you would have a fun game to tide you over.

I don't even remember how I stumbled upon this, especially since I rarely play computer games but it is so addicting...and educational. The next day at lunch, I showed a engineering student I work with it and got him hooked as well. I have high hopes that it will spread through out the office and remind my old co-workers of me.

I have only made it to level 22 but I hear the end is in sight. I can't decide if that is a good thing or not - I don't want it to end but I do want to beat it. I guess once I do beat it, I can always go back and try to reduce my number of shapes. Don't you just love it?...and please say yes or I will feel like a total dork.

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