
24, Season 7: 5-6 AM

As we all suspected would happen, Kim is now in danger. It often happens in the show that evil henchmen use the relatives of government agents as leverage. I recall a few seasons ago when Tony was running a perimeter, and the bad guys captured his woman, Michelle. He allowed the target to escape in order to save Michelle's eyeball from being removed.

Now, though, Jack is the one who will have to decide how to handle this situation. I would have assumed that he would refuse to give in, but the previews make it clear that he will capitulate. Jack's been more in touch with his feelings this season, though. In the early seasons, he might have acted differently.

Now that the canister has been neutralized, it seems all that's left in the remaining two hours is to fold up the evil conspiracy. I suspect another surprise bad guy (maybe a turncoat) will be revealed to be in the group of democratically elected, voice-obscured henchmen.

It will also be interesting to see how the Jack-Renee relationship ends up. All this and more next week for the two-hour finale.

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