
WFMW - Green Beans, the easy way!

I haven't done a Works for Me Wednesday in forever, not because I don't like them anymore, just because I haven't been able to think of anything to post about. But today, I do!

I love fresh green beans. It's my go to company vegetable side dish. Easy and if in season, frugal. I just steam them for ~7 minutes then toss in a pan with a little butter or olive oil and a clove or two of crushed garlic. Easy right? Well, not if you have to cut all those little ends off. I hate that part, it takes forever...but only if you use a knife. I know what you are thinking "Why, MacKenzie, how else would you cut all those ends of if you didn't use a knife?"

I'll tell you - a pizza cutter! Just line them a handful up, more or less evenly, then run them over with a pizza cutter on both ends and ta-da! Even a several lbs of green beans can be done in a few minutes. Pizza cutters for multiple purposes - it works for me!

*Today is also the day for excessive exclamation point usage apparently, who knew green beans are so exciting!

1 comment :

  1. Oh this is a really good kitchen tip. I'm always looking to make things faster in the kitchen. Thanks!
