
The Nose Saga Continues...

This morning I woke up, and as has happened three or four times this past week, started the day off with a nice nosebleed. The first time was a couple days ago when Craig was giving me a goodbye hug. He isn't a mad man or anything so his arm barely touched my nose, it didn't even hurt, but the blood came gushing out. So that set it off originally, now it is just sneezing. Yes, I sneeze and I bleed. Sometimes I sneeze then 30 seconds later I feel the blood trickling down. Other times, I actually sneeze blood. It's so gross, as you readers are probably well aware by now, with all the gushing and trickling descriptions. But it's not just the grossness, it makes it even harder to breathe and that is just very unpleasant.

I actually have gotten a recommendation for an ear, nose and throat doctor so I am on my way to making an appointment. But I don't like doctors, any doctors. To my friends in medical school, (and being a former Biomedical Science major, I have quite a few) I'm sorry, but once you graduate, I probably won't like you anymore. Did I mention I don't like doctors? That goes for P.A's and nurses and hospitals too. And don't think you are fooling me by calling it a "clinic." There are still needles in there. I don't like needles.

So yes, when it comes to pain, I am a big baby. But this whole thing started with a simple trip to the dentist so don't think it can't happen to you too. Don't worry about me though, Craig will bug me and I will eventually make an appointment to see a dreaded doctor. But eventually I will get my revenge...at what age are you supposed to start getting colonscopies?


  1. i think you can wait on colonoscopies until you are 50 unless you have a family history of colon cancer and/or polyps.

    however, i am NOT a medical doctor, a physician, or even an expert in much of anything, so please don't take my advice strictly to heart.

    sorry bout your nose. hope it works out for you.

  2. I.hate.doctors.

    (This is the same wide umbrella you have).

    I.hate.needles. Even when they are offering me "Really good" drugs and I am in pain, I balk.


    My condolences.

  3. Well then, Craig has 23 years until I start bugging him about the importance of colonoscopies.

  4. But I embrace the necessity of medical care, so I'll probably make an appointment before you think to bug me about it. Ha!
