I was a little concerned that I wouldn't qualify on account of the 100 unique visitors a month requirement so I quickly called Craig, as he is in charge of all the blog tracker things we have and asked him to check. Apparently, we have like 200 unique visitors every week! I was shocked. Of course, some of those visitors only came here because they Googled things like "republican official hex colors," "a blond at christmas," or "what is the boys name from the movie harry potter that has blond hair and is evel?" (that last person really needs to work on both their Google and spelling skills) but that still leaves a number of people who come here because they actually want to read what we are saying. That's cool.
Anyway, since we qualified and I was one of the first 150 people to respond, I am now the proud owner of a "It's a Wonderful Christmas" which I listened to while decorating my tree. My verdict: I liked it.
Okay, I probably should say something more that just that but I don't want to be all "Well, I thought the acoustics blah blah blah and the harmony was blah blah blah" so I'll try to find a happy medium.
He didn't just do remixes of traditional Christmas songs but instead wrote some good Christian Christmas songs which at first, I was unsure about since I don't normally like non-traditional Christmas songs. I shouldn't have worried. They are good songs, they just happen to be about Christmas and Jesus' birth. There was also a choir and a symphony which I don't often like on CDs but in this case was nice. I have already mentioned that I love him so unsurprisingly I loved his voice in this CD too. He could probably sing about how my toilet is overflowing and I would still find it relaxing but his voice...it's just so...nice. (Someone should probably get me a thesaurus for Christmas).
But my favorite part of the CD is that it is so unobtrusive. I hesitate to write that because it doesn't sound like a compliment but after growing up listening to my little brother's favorite Christmas CD, the Chipmunks Christmas, and having "I still want a hula hoop" constantly in my head for 1/12 of every year since he turned 4, unobtrusive is a very good thing. (Wow, try to untangle that sentence). I will probably be playing it at my upcoming Christmas cookie exchange party because it is nice holiday background music.
In the end, I would say that this CD is worth buying, and I don't buy CDs, especially Christmas CDs but I would buy this one except I don't have to, cause I got it for free! (Sorry but that just doesn't get old). If you don't believe my incredible well-written review just go here and listen for yourself.

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