
To Texas and back again

Wow, I haven't posted in almost a week. Sorry about that but last Wednesday I got up, went outside to walk the dog we were watching and saw snow on my car. Snow! In June! I thought "Man, I need to be in Texas today, they never have snow in June" and by 4:30 that afternoon I was walking out of the Dallas-Ft. Worth airport...okay, so maybe I have already planned to go to Texas two months prior but it was still sweet to go from snow to sun in less than 12 hours.

I had gotten a ticket to go to Dallas earlier this spring so that I could attend my friend M.B's wedding. Alas, she did not get married this weekend. She was in a car accident and although she is fine, her leg was broken and now is full of pins. Since her childhood pictures of her wedding day didn't include her wheeling herself down aisle, they pushed it back till July. As I already had my ticket and hadn't seen her for over a year, I flew down anyway and we hung out for four days. We watched movies and talked and talked and watched movies. It was great. Well, not for her, I am pretty sure she would have rather have gotten married, but she tried to be in good spirits and we both had a good laugh Saturday night during our late night slumber party chat when I apologized for not being the person she was planning on spending the night with that evening.

Oh, and I have to say, I miss Texas. It was so warm and toasty...okay, okay - it was hot and if I was living in Texas I would probably be complaining but because I didn't have to stay there, I appreciated it.

And the stores they have...we went to a huge Christian book store and I was just in heaven. So many books and bibles and studies to choose from. I didn't realize how much I missed having such easy access to Christian resources but I loved being able to actually look at them all and pick out exactly what I wanted do. That's so much nicer than buying something from Amazon based on the title and a couple reviews. (Sidenote: even if a book has 100+ reviews, I normally disagree with the consensus). I ended up getting another Beth Moore study so I am ready to go when I finished "Believing God."

But, as I said, we mostly hung out and talked. There are a few friends in life that you can always click with. Even if you only talk to each other every month (or even couple of months) and maybe send an email to every one in a while, when you do talk, whether it is in person or through some sort of technology, you just get each other. I only have a couple friends like that but M.B. is one of them. She really helped me get through the trials and tribulations of my last semester when I was dealing with all the changes that come with graduating and getting married and well, growing up. Now I am super super excited for her to be married and go through all that too! Especially since it means I have another good girl friend to talk to about stuff with. So hold on M.B, just a couple more weeks until you finally become a Mrs.

1 comment :

  1. Im sure she really appriciated getting to see you, even if she wasn't getting married quite yet! :)
