
Dem Ticket Complete

It is ridiculous how long ago I called it that Senator Biden would be the VP pick. It must have been in June. I might be able to find proof somewhere on the Internet that this is the case, but I don't have time. Plus, I wouldn't lie (would I?).

By making this pick, Obama admits his lack of experience, especially in the foreign policy arena. However, Biden voted for the Iraq war, the same vote that Obama pounded Hillary on during the primaries. Presumably, Obama thinks that he made a better choice on Iraq than his supposedly knowledgeable-on-foreign-affairs running mate.

Nonetheless, this pick should boost Obama's experience factor. Some are saying that Biden will help Obama win white working-class voters, but I don't see that being true. Biden comes across as a Washington insider, not as a friend of the little guy, and he's not known as a fighter for the middle class.

Biden is known for being long-winded, and saying some impolitic things, which could create a campaign-trail kerfuffle this fall. Also, Biden can be kind of arrogant, which is a trait shared by Obama. Such a combination could be off-putting to the average voter.

In the end, though, VP choices don't usually make a whole lot of difference. It's just something fun to talk about and speculate on during the boring summer days of the election season. Now bring on the conventions!


  1. Ooh ooh, so is McCain "admitting" that he might keel over any minute? And that he has no uterus?

  2. McCain admitted long ago that he has no uterus, as I recall.
