Somehow that hasn't happened this time. We are already super busy. I started work last Monday and I think we have had at least one thing going on every night. Even this weekend was busy, but it in a good way.
Saturday our friend got married and a lot of our old gang came back for his wedding. They got married in the same church as Craig and I and it was actually the first time we had been back there since then, so that was special. And a lot of it was familiar: the same organist and the same wedding bells chiming before the service, the same verses were read and we sang the same "Hymn of Promise" (which apparently only Methodists like since I haven't heard it outside that church). There wasn't any "You got a friend in me" processional like we had, but I think that might be unique to us.
The wedding was at 3pm and then we went to the reception where we picked up a snazzy new, and still nameless, beta fish. Since we rarely get to see those people, we weren't ready to say goodbye so we ended up hanging out and talking till after 1am with all our old friends - well, not the newlyweds, of course :-) Of course, I could barely stay awake past midnight back then so Sunday I was feeling the need to nap but it was worth it. It felt like old times and I'm sad now thinking about it since I don't know when that will happen again, this was our last of the many weddings we attended this year. Someone else had better get engaged soon so we have a reunion to look forward too.

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