

You may have noticed that I like to post recipes on my blog. You could interpret that as my way of being nice and sharing the wonderful food we eat. That is very magnanimous of you but also wrong.

I post them mostly because I tend to lose recipes. I find so many on different blogs then forget where I read them or I copy them from friends onto random pieces of paper that are stuck on my fridge for a couple weeks and eventually disappear. Even if them are in my cookbooks, I sometimes spend 30 minutes searching through a bunch of cookbooks trying to remember which one had it. At different points in time I have tried to compile my own cookbook but eventually I get lazy and stop updating it.

So I've taken to blogging them and when I need them next time, I search my own blog. It works very well. So for my sake (and yours if you want to peek in as well) I'm going start listing my recipes on this separate recipe post/page with a link to it on the right for easy access. And if you have tried one and approved, please leave a comment saying you liked it and any changes you made that you felt helped improved. If you didn't like it and never want to make it again, you can say that as well - but don't feel compelled to :-) I've also included some other food related posts.

How we (try to) eat: Nourishing Beginnings Part 1,Part 2 and Part 3

MayDay Grocery Emergency Challenge


Bad Day (Chocolate Peanut Butter) Smoothie

Boring Granola

Green Smoothies


Spicy Sauteed Kale

Spaghetti Sauce

Easy Peasy Crock-Pot Roast

Chicken Packets

Chicken in Lemon Cream with Penne

Beans, Beans and more beans.


Dip (Ranch and Poor Man's Hummus)

Bean Brownies

Crackers ("Wheat thins", Pita chips and Mac'n Cheese Crackers)

Berry Sauce Ice Cream topping

Boy Scout Potluck Cake


Cream of __ Soup

Water Kefir

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