
Cutest chick on the block

We had a fun halloween this year. Lucy and I have been at my parent's since the middle of last week and Craig joined us over the weekend. He brought along the pumpkin from our pumpkin patch adventure and Saturday afternoon, attempted to carve it for Lucy to sit in. We thought that surely we had gotten on big enough but half way through the carving we realized that there was no way she was gonna fit...oops. She didn't seem thrilled with the idea anyway and Craig ended up carving the other side so it was not a big loss.

Trick or treating was supposed to be Saturday, from 4-8, which seemed like a long time to me. I don't want to seem like a old curmudgeon but I really doubt if any kids young enough to trick-or-treat have that kind of stamina and I hate giving out candy to anyone old enough to buy their own.

I put those feelings aside though, got out our ton of candy and finished getting dressed up so we were could be ready for give it out. Lucy was a little chick and I was her farmer. (Craig was a party pooper and didn't dress up.)

4 o'clock came - and went. No tricker or treaters. Finally at around 4:45 we had our first batch but they were really slow in trickling in. It wasn't long though before Lucy was done with the whole halloween thing so we passed off our candy duties to a willing uncle Ben. By the morning there wasn't much candy left, I'm not sure if we had a lot of kids show up later in the evening or if the hander-outer took his fair share of treats in the process but either way, fun was had by all so I'm going to call the evening a success.


  1. Lucy's about the cutest chick I've ever seen!

  2. Great costume, little chick! Tell that poky old farmer to get more of your fashion sense :)
