Do you believe in all those cold stopper/shortener drugs like Zicam or Airborne? Have you had any success with them? I haven't used them but I don't really think I believe that they will help. Which stinks cause if I did, I would at least have the placebo affect working for me. No, with all my pessimism, I got nothing.
And I don't think I could use Airborne on principle. I HATE HATE HATE how the front says "Created by a teacher" - how is that supposed to make me feel more confident in it's scientific validity? No, it's like a zit cream that says "Created by a dentist" - except that a least a dentist would have at least been pre-med as an undergrad whereas I'm pretty sure most teachers didn't ever have to take Biochem or Physiology. No sir. Now, I'm not hatin' on teachers, I just don't think the fact that they spend their days around a bunch of germy kids means that their germ defending product will work. If they wants me to buy their product, the slogan needs to be changed to - thought up by a teacher, analyzed by a doctor...maybe it could be a tad catchier, but the doctor part - that is important!
And I don't think I like the idea of Zicam because I don't want to stick anything up my nose. Except my fingers - just kidding! But really, I have no reason to imagine sticking a swab in my nose as being anything but uncomfortable and gross. Craig did say they have non-nose forms and he has a coupon so maybe I will try it. Maybe. But only because I have to get our new place set up so we can pick out our Christmas tree. My impatience on the holiday decorating is getting thinner by the second.

ACK! I so hope you don't have what I do because it is reaching horrific levels of ICK!
ReplyDeleteI went back to the dr. today. it sucked. I have to go to rehearsal on Sunday but I will be SOOOO surprised if I can sing.
I have no idea if those things work or not. I do know that I love Mucinex and zinc lozenges (Which DO make you better faster. Total singer's secret)
I would like to note for the record that the rant against "Airborne" is mine. MacKenzie co-opted it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if Zicam works for Rush Limbaugh, it works for me.
ive used airborne, and it works pretty well, if you take it just as you start feeling sick. but i agree, the whole 2nd grade teacher thing...who cares? and if they knew that much about medicine, why are they teaching second grade? i could see a chemistry teacher or maybe biology....
ReplyDeleteI only have the vague advice that my advisor was saying that he felt a cold coming on, and he took . . . something . . . and it totally fended the cold off. You know it's true, because he's British!
ReplyDelete(That's a good equivalent of the teacher thing, right?)
Also, Craig, taking pharmaceutical advice from Rush Limbaugh? . . . Questionable.
Touche, Rachel.