

I do not have anything witty to say. I don't even have a cool WFMW which makes me sad because I like WFMW. I do not have anything to say because I am in a blog funk. Actually, I'm kinda in an everything funk. I just feel bleh. Nothing is going wrong, there isn't anything I am particularly stressed about, it's not even PMS- I'm just in a mood. Unfortunately, that includes a meal planning funk too which is especially bad with tonight being grocery shopping night. Sometimes looking at that list with it's 7 blank lines, trying to think of different meals to put on them, is like asking me trying to list all the rivers in India or something, I just can't do it.

I am really hoping that Thanskgiving will snap me out of it because I have tons of cool plans for December and I don't really want a bleh mood to ruin my holiday season. Plus, we are moving soon and I need energy and I just don't have any right now. So hopefully this mood passes quickly. But until then, call me Eeyore.


  1. :( sorry youre feeling down! I hope you feel happy soon, so you too can do a happy dance! you can always fall back on those tasty chicken packets for dinner!

  2. wanna make some homemade chicken noodle soup? with homemade noodles?

    it's yummmmmy.... and i have a recipe...that's EASY...and yummmmy. did i say yummy already?

    when you're in a blogging funk (it happens to me all the time) i try to think about anything but blogging. good luck...
