
My weird subconscious

It's really amazing how much you do without thinking about it. Like the time I gave up sarcasm for lent, it was awful. I had no idea how often I was sarcastic until those 40 days. People even asked me if I was okay or if I was mad at them because I was being awfully quiet and I had to explain that I was wasn't upset or mad, but every other time I thought of something to say, I would then realize I couldn't say it and by the time I had done all that thinking, to say anything would just seem out of place or really lame.

That happened to me again this week, well, not being sarcastic, but suddenly realizing I do something more than I think I do. If you had asked me on Monday if I crossed my legs a lot when I sat, I would have said no. At home, when I have to sit down in a chair, I resort to a couple of odd poses, my legs underneath me or to the sides, or my knees out in front, or one leg up and one underneath...pretty much any method that is NOT listed in Ms. Manners but never "normally."

But on Tuesday night, I practically killed myself running into this metal shelf thing at work. Luckily, I did not die - but I did give myself a huge bruise right about where one leg rests on the other if you are crossing your legs. Then yesterday, it seemed like every 5 minutes, I would cross my legs without thinking about it until my right leg came in contact with my left and I would feel this sharp pain, which would be followed by a high pitched yelp. I guess my work-self had learned to be a little more normal in it's sitting style. It is a good thing that no one else in my office was in much that day or they would have begun to think I had mental issues. I kept trying to tell myself, don't cross your legs, it hurts! But my body just kept doing it on its own. I even tried crossing my legs the other way to trick my legs but apparently the right one doesn't like to be on top. Today, I'm doing a bit better. I'm not sure if that is because the bruise is beginning to heal and doesn't hurt as much or because I haven't spent much time sitting down all morning but I am going to ignore those possible reasons and believe it is because I am not stupid and am learning.

At this point, I would ask if any of you have weird things you do without realizing it, but you probably don't know them since you do them with realizing it! Unless you had this weird habit of tapping your fingers and couldn't stop even though you developed carpal tunnel syndrome. If that is the case, I would love to hear about it.


  1. i can barely give up sarcasm for 40 minutes, let alone 40 days.

  2. I am a fidgeter. I cannot sit still.



    I am sitting here being way thankful that I don't have lent.

    I'd die.

  3. i fidget quite a bit too, i rub my eyebrow a lot... im not sure how that started, but when im nervous, i rub my eyebrow (you'll probably experience this in the next month :))
