But I'm back and it is time to catch up. This post is probably going to be pretty long but I will try and make it flow as much as possible.
First up, Halloween. Our first Halloween event was the reformation party at church. We were supposed to go as our favorite biblical character. I didn't really go as my "favorite" but I didn't think I would make a very realistic Paul. Can you tell who we are?

The Reformation party was fun. Before it was over, I had played my first real game of bingo (the only other time being 100 sight word bingo with a kindergarten class I subbed for) and it was a lot of fun. Those little ol' church ladies know how to have fun.
Speaking of Reformation, I read about these on another blog and I knew I had to post one because as you know Craig and I have ditched the Methodists in favor of the Lutherans so now we are quite attached to the Reformation. Actually, there isn't a Methodist church here and we haven't really become Lutherans, but I still think the whole Reformation thing is kinda cool.

Okay, back to Halloween. Tuesday we carved our pumpkins. Craig went for the classic pumpkin face while I branched out with the cutout of a cat looking at a carved pumpkin. A pumpkin within a pumpkin, can you get any cooler than that?

Craig and I were pretty pumped about having trick or treaters. We weren't expecting a lot but we got some good candy so at least the ones we got would be taken care of. But then Craig ended up having to leave at 6 on Wednesday for a business trip and I only got an hour or so off to come home and eat before heading back to work. Luckily, one little Batman did come by around 5:45 with his mom so we did get one. It was exciting.
I ended up working till midnight with some others in my lab. Working in a the labs after 5 or 6 when most people are gone is kinda creepy. Being there at midnight is even creepier. Roaming around by yourself through a dimly lit lab for some supplies to take back to the other lab (where the people are) at midnight on Halloween is so reminiscent of a bad horror flick that it is quite hard for a scaredy-cat with an overactive imagination to manage. But I did and I was proud of myself. Halloween isn't really my holiday, I don't like scary things. I like cute things like the singing dancing turkey from that Home Depot (or was it Lowes?) commercial. Come on, Thanksgiving.

aww samson and delilah (I never said I could spell...I do have a Bible near by, i could check...) thats really clever! yeah, dimly lit places, late at night, is really creepy! That stinks you had to work that late! Im glad youre safe :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, but it took me a minute to figure out . . . my mind's eye always had Samson with dark hair . . . so I'm thinking who's that hot young chick with Moses! And what did he do to the commandments, they look like a donkey's bone. HAHA And Dad, Ben and I just had this conversation the other day, just what instrument did Delilah use to cut off Samson's hair as we figured it was long before scissors were invented.
ReplyDeleteI got that you were Samson and Delilah too . . . although, I'll admit, after a moment of going the Ruth and Naomi route.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like the pumpkin pics didn't get posted. We'll work on that.
ReplyDeleteyeah, I agree with MacKenzies Mom, i imagined sampson with slightly shorter brownish hair....but what do i know? I like the pumpkins!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't suppose there were a lot of "Platinum Blonde" jews back before hair dye was around but it was either that or an afro wig and that didn't seem to fit either.
ReplyDeleteAt least ours was because it was the only real option. A church I went to in Georgia had a blond Mary in the nativity set. It always made me mad.