
Placing a Link in Your Comment

In the spirit of MacKenzie's recent techno-tips, I'd like to provide one of my own. Often, when people try to put a link in a comment on a Blogger site, the link runs off the side of the comment box, and is unclickable (not to mention un-copy-and-pasteable). Here's a way to embed your link in your comment, just as you would do in a blog post.

All you need is this piece of HTML. You can get it from almost any page, by going to View > Page Source.

< a href="URL">
< /a >

This code belongs on one line, but I had to put the line breaks in so the code wouldn't execute.

First, type out your comment. Then, delete the word you'll be making clickable, and insert the above code in its place. Replace "URL" with the link address (keep the quotation marks) and "text to hyperlink" with whatever word or phrase you want to be clickable. With Blogger, you can preview your comment before posting to ensure it works. This also works on many other, non-Blogger blogs.

I'll paste an example in the comments. The URL I'll use is http://cbs.sportsline.com/ and the clickable word is "here". I encourage you to practice in the comments.