
Meet Mylo

In anticipation of our moving, Craig grabbed a couple of boxes from storage to sort through. Half way down the first box, he found a tape and shrieked like a girl. It ended up being a tape of Mylo Hatzenbuhler, who Craig described as a North Dakotan Weird Al. He makes farm-themed parodies. It was very interesting to listen to. I didn't get a lot of the jokes because they refer to farm programs but Craig seemed to find it really funny. I did get "I Fought the Cow (and the Cow Won)," here are the lyrics.

Cleaning up milk in the hot sun;
I fought the cow and the cow won.
I fought the cow and the cow won.

Bossy broke loose from her stanchion;
I fought the cow and the cow won.
I fought the cow and the cow won.

She kicked the bucket, then she kicked my head,
My milking days are done.
I had to hide out behind the shed.
I fought the cow and the cow won.
I fought the cow and the cow won.

MYLO (to his brother Darryl): Darryl, that's twice you goofed up!
DARRYL: I'm sorry, Mylo, the music tricks me.
MYLO: Well, keep it up and you're fired.
DARRYL: You can't quit me, I'm fired!
MYLO: What?
DARRYL: Um, I don't know.

My cow kicks like she has six feet.
I fought the cow and the cow beat.
I fought the cow and the cow beat.

I'll serve this cow on a wheat bun;
I want the cow cooked well done,
I'll eat the cow with A1.

She broke my bucket, then she chased my dad;
I didn't know cows could run.
And she's the best cow I've ever had.
I fought the cow and the cow won.
I fought the cow and the cow's done.

The words by themselves don't really do it justice. But how can you not rush out and by the CD with a recommendation like this (found on his website)?

"We have had Clyde Bauman present his 'Mylo Hatzenbuhler' show at several of our state and regional meetings. He never seems to run out of fresh material, and has been nothing short of hilarious every time!"
-- Aanders Jackson
North Dakota Funeral Directors Association

Apparently those ND funeral directors really know how to party.

CRAIG adds: Here's a sample farm joke for you, from "I Feel Yucky": "I feel like Russian thistle right after it's been sprayed; ooh, I feel yucky today." Funny!

We couldn't find any song clips online, but there's this page with radio interviews. Maybe there are some songs in there.

If I recall correctly, Mylo actually brought his act to my hometown once. It was awesome.

1 comment :

  1. Well all righty then, I know what to get Craig for his birthday! I did check out his website, and I actually read his post with a North Dakotan accent (probably not a true one, but one I remember from the movie Fargo) and he was quite funny. For those of us Prairie Home Companion fans (and I'm one of 'em) we totally get this guy!
