
Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was practically perfect. I was a little nervous Friday afternoon when I found out the car wouldn't be out of the shop until Monday but we made it work. Friday we had dinner at our friends house for our monthly-ish couples study. I like the study for the time it allows Craig and I to spend reading and studying together but also for the opportunities to have fun with other young couples. Even if I am super tired that night and don't really want to go, after being there 10 minutes I am already glad I'm there.

Saturday we slept in, at some refrigerator bran muffins (review coming soon), and headed to the farmer's market. There weren't a lot of fruits or veggies since it is so early in the summer, but it is fun to see the crafts and it got us in the mood for planting. This town and I have a love-hate relationship. Winters - hate hate hate. Spring and Early summer - love love love. The weather is so very nice. Other things I love are being able to walk around town and the gardener's market. This time we actually saw a couple people we knew which was neat too, made me feel like I am actually a part of the community. That' a nice feeling. After we had our fill of crafts and herbs we headed to our local garden store down the road and got some flowers. This is the first place I have lived that I could plant stuff outside and I was so excited to pick our what we wanted. On our way home we stopped at the little health food store on main street to get some organic steel cut oats. In general, I'm not a big "organic" person, I don't think it is worth the money. But in this case, buying organic meant I could buy just a bit so I could try it out without buying a whole canisters worth. And it turned out to be cheaper than the grocery store so alls well that ends well. We also got some yummy smelling curry powder for this recipe I am anxious to try.

After we got home we cleaned up our porch area and planted our flowers. I had so much fun with just that one flower box, I can't wait till we actually have a yard and a garden. The porch area looks good although I think it would be even better without an oven in it. Yes, the oven is still there.

Saturday and Sunday afternoon were spent lounging, calling up old friends to catch up on life and working on different projects. Photographs are pretty much taking over our life...and our living room, but I am hoping it is the calm before the storm. I am determined to get them under control by the end of the summer.


  1. If they never take away the oven, you can just convert it into another flower box...

  2. That's actually a good idea. I might do that...
