Do you believe in all those cold stopper/shortener drugs like Zicam or Airborne? Have you had any success with them? I haven't used them but I don't really think I believe that they will help. Which stinks cause if I did, I would at least have the placebo affect working for me. No, with all my pessimism, I got nothing.
And I don't think I could use Airborne on principle. I HATE HATE HATE how the front says "Created by a teacher" - how is that supposed to make me feel more confident in it's scientific validity? No, it's like a zit cream that says "Created by a dentist" - except that a least a dentist would have at least been pre-med as an undergrad whereas I'm pretty sure most teachers didn't ever have to take Biochem or Physiology. No sir. Now, I'm not hatin' on teachers, I just don't think the fact that they spend their days around a bunch of germy kids means that their germ defending product will work. If they wants me to buy their product, the slogan needs to be changed to - thought up by a teacher, analyzed by a doctor...maybe it could be a tad catchier, but the doctor part - that is important!
And I don't think I like the idea of Zicam because I don't want to stick anything up my nose. Except my fingers - just kidding! But really, I have no reason to imagine sticking a swab in my nose as being anything but uncomfortable and gross. Craig did say they have non-nose forms and he has a coupon so maybe I will try it. Maybe. But only because I have to get our new place set up so we can pick out our Christmas tree. My impatience on the holiday decorating is getting thinner by the second.